Friday 18 September 2015

Facebook New Exciting Features

Facebook New Exciting Features

Safety check
Facebook activated its new feature named Safety check. This is an exciting new feature which will help the people know about the people they care about. This can save many lives in modern World. Mark said in his facebook status that “We've activated Safety Check in response to the earthquake in Chile. This is a tool to quickly let your friends and family know that you’re okay.
If you live in an area affected by the earthquake, you’ll receive a Facebook notification asking if you are safe. You can also check to see if your friends are safe.
Knowing your loved ones are okay is incredibly important and it’s times like this that being connected really matters.
My thoughts are with everyone who is experiencing this devastating disaster”.
You can check this feature out from the link given below.

Dislike button
In a Question/Asnwer session held at Facebook's headquarters in Menlo Park, California, a man said that “button would be a way for people to express empathy”. Mark said Facebook was "very close" to having it prepared for client testing. Many facebook users demanded for the facebook dislike button because some posts irritate them or they are dislike something but they can’t dislike that post as like button. Now facebook is working on it. Some people dislike this new feature of dislike button.
Mark told the audience on Tuesday that "People have asked about the 'dislike' button for many years. Probably hundreds of people have asked about this, and today is a special day because today is the day that I actually get to say we are working on it, and are very close to shipping a test of it."
In any case he went ahead to say he didn't need it to be an instrument with which individuals could "down vote" others posts. Rather, it will be for times when clicking "like" on "sad" posts felt obtuse.


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